On a recent ramble through Falls Park in downtown Greenville, one of our intrepid roving reporters stumbled upon a creek feeding into the Reedy River that was choked with floating primrose. Her first thought was, “YIKES! Someone should be told about this! Someone whose number one concern is native plants and invasive species! Someone like, oh, I dunno… the SCNPS!”
Now, as we all know, brilliant strokes of inspiration do not always result in, whatchamacallit, oh yeah: follow-through. But in this case, the germ of an idea is there.
Possibly a bulletin-board on the website? Or a hotline email address? Maybe a regular newsletter feature? We’re spitballing here in the office, and we invite you to brainstorm with us!
Send us your thoughts, and, meanwhile, if you see something, say something! Send your ideas and sightings to us here at the newsletter (upstatemedia@scnps.org) – and keep your eye on this space going forward!