Carolina Bays
Lisa Matthews Memorial Bay
Situated in Bamberg County, South Carolina, the Lisa Matthews Memorial Bay (LMMB) is a 52-acre preserve consisting of a wonderfully diverse Carolina Bay and longleaf pine uplands. LMMB was acquired by the South Carolina Native Plant Society in 2003.
The most important feature and primary management responsibility on the property is a population of federally endangered Canby’s Dropwort (Oxypolis canbyi) that occurs in the bay. Maintenance of other unique wetland vegetation and restoration of the uplands are also goals. SCNPS developed and implemented a LMMB management plan in 2005. At the outset, a total of 217 Canby’s Dropwort were found. When last counted in 2015, tens of thousands of stems were estimated. In 2021, the dense population was found to have expanded into new areas of the bay wetlands. Survey and restoration efforts continue. Regular beneficial conservation practices employed include prescribed burning, firebreak maintenance, brush management of woody plants, and establishment of local ecotype native wildflowers.
Volunteer Opportunities
For more information about this property and our restoration plans, please contact John Brubaker and let him know that you’d like to help with this fantastic project!
- Plant Communities of the Lisa Matthews Memorial Bay
- Article about Lisa Matthews Memorial Bay (September 2005)
- Hydrology of Lisa Matthews Memorial Bay (January 2006)