SCNPS Field Trips

Join Our Next Field Trip!

Mentors Dan Whitten and Rick Huffman on Wildcat Mountain. Credit: Doug Lockard

Field trips are a great way to learn more about nature and the roles of native plants. We try to select field trips that go along with program lectures when possible, and other trips are just some great places that we want to share with interested people. Each chapter offers their own field trips.

Look for information on this website in the Chapter pages, on our SCNPS Facebook page, and in the announcements sent in our newsletter.

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Grand Strand Field Trip. Credit: Maeve Snyder

Grand Strand

Past Grand Strand field trips have included invasive species removals, longleaf pine seedling plantings, visits to Kingsburg Bay, and more.

Quercus virginiana, SC Santee Coastal Reserve. Credit: JK Marlow


Field trips are held in September, November, January, February, April, and May. We typically offer Saturday morning field trips on the Saturday following the third-Tuesday lecture, and the field trip is often (but not always) related to the lecture topic. Field trip announcements and details are posted on the SCNPS website calendar and the SCNPS Facebook page.

Riverbank Botanical Gardens Tour


We have exciting field trips and project opportunities in the works. Field trips and projects (plant rescues, invasive plant removal, native plantings) are scheduled as opportunities and weather permit. Details and requirements are announced via email newsletter and the chapter Facebook page.

Charles Horn, Wild Azaleas and Rhododendron of South Carolina


Field Trips are led by local naturalists/botanists on the 4th Saturday of alternate months, usually from 9 a.m. – 12 noon depending on travel time required. Field trips are held throughout the Piedmont region with an occasional trip into the Midlands area or mountains.

Brays Island Field Trip

South Coast

Field trips resumed in 2022 after a hiatus. Trips are scheduled to local and regional places of interest.

Upstate SCNPS members ready for action. Credit: Judy Seeley


Most field trips will have a maximum number of participants because they are often on a narrow trail that makes communication difficult with larger groups. Field trips are open to the general public, but preference is given to members of SCNPS. Sign-ups are handled either by the trip leader or another designated party. The date, time, duration, description, limits, and sign-up person are included in the field trip announcements.

Field trip announcements are made through our social media and newsletter. Signing up early increases the chances of making the trip. A waiting list is often maintained as some people may have to cancel their participation.