The SCNPS Board of Directors and the Bylaws Committee have been hard at work revising the organization’s bylaws (and, let’s face it: The last update was in 2015, which is, like, soooo last century!).
Bylaws Review: The shiny new set of rules and regs is now available for YOU, dear member, to read over and weigh in on. Members in good standing are encouraged to review them and vote, either in person at the SCNPS Annual Meeting on November 4 or via an emailed absentee ballot (available upon request) no later than November 18. Please review the updated bylaws below.
Annual Meeting: The Annual Meeting will take place at Saluda Shoals Park in Columbia, SC on Saturday, November 4 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Find all the information on speakers, field trips, and registration at the Event page. Tickets are $30 and include lunch and field trips.
Statewide Officers: In addition to voting on the new bylaws, we will be selecting a new set of statewide officers (Learn more about the nominees, HERE!). Additionally, the SCNPS is still seeking a new Membership Committee Chair! This is not an elected post, but a volunteer position requiring the Board of Directors’ approval. If you are interested in serving or need additional information, please contact Mitzi Stewart at
Absentee Ballots: Absentee ballots for voting on both the new slate of officers and the new bylaws may be requested by any member in good standing unable to attend the annual meeting. The request must be made in writing to President Katie Ellis at Absentee ballots for the officer election MUST be completed and returned to Katie no later than October 31, 2023. Votes to approve the bylaws will be accepted until November 18, 2023. A ballot box will also be available at the annual meeting.