SCNPS Symposiums
Meet, Learn, Explore
The South Carolina Native Plant Society (SCNPS) offers a statewide multiday symposium every other year, alternating with a statewide annual meeting. Symposiums rotate among chapters and the hosting chapter works with the state President to organize and carry out the symposium. These gatherings bring together members from around the state to meet each other, enjoy top notch speakers, attend workshops, and explore regional special places on field trips. They help the five state chapters bond together as a statewide organization.
Subscribe to our email newsletter for more information about upcoming symposiums. See information about past symposiums below, with links to recordings where available.
The 2024 Symposium took place on October 18-19, 2024 at the scenic Pinnacle Pavilion in Table Rock State Park, located in the foothills of Pickens, SC. The participants learned about Solidago, commonly known as goldenrod, which was also the theme of this years Symposium. At the Symposium attendees were able to participate in a silent auction, learn about this years featured artist Linda Fraser, and partake in a variety of workshops and fieldtrips. They were also able to go on a guided boat tour of Lake Jocassee.
Featured Speakers:
- Carmen Ketron – Rewilding your Yard: How to Establish or Reestablish a Naturalized Backyard Woods. In the Presentation Ketron, shared her expertise on rewilding a yard, with a special focus on goldenrod and its importance in an urban landscape
- Tim Lee – Goldenrod Communities, Lee presented on the goldenrod communities delving into the significance of this vibrant plant in the ecosystem.
- Joy Spirithawk Evans – This Native Land, Spirithawk explored how Cherokee people lived before modern times, featuring artifacts like bows, arrows, baskets, hides, and more.
- Keith Bradley – Shrinking Violets of South Carolina’s Flora: Secretive Gems and Hopes for the Spotlight. In this presentation, Bradley highlighted the “shrinking violets” of the plant world—those modest, often overlooked species that thrive in the shadows of more showy plants.
In-Person Field Trips:
- Peach Orchard Brach Hike (with Trip Leaders Jon Storm and Adam Bigelow)
- Bald Rock Heritage Preserve (with Trip Leader Dan Whitten)
- Glassy Mountain Heritage Preserve (with Trip Leader Rick Huffman)
- Chestnut Ridge Heritage Preserve (with Trip Leader Sam Tessel)
- Tall Pines WMA (with Trip Leader Chris Sermons)
- Bunched Arrowhead Heritage Preserve (with Trip Leader Tim Lee)
- Jocassee Gorges Scenic Drive (with Trip Leader Seth Harrison)
- Basket Making Workshop – Hosted by Nancy Basket, participants learned how to sew a basket using rafia as the binder, where to find basket materials anywhere, as well as different harvesting techniques.
- Ethical Seed Saving – The Importance of Collecting Seeds Responsibly – Hosting this workshop Ryan Merck taught ethical seed saving and the importance of collecting your seeds responsibly.
The 2021 Symposium was hosted by the Lowcountry Chapter on November 3 – 7, 2021. This symposium was a hybrid event due to restrictions of the COVID-19 pandemic. It combined both virtual lectures and in-person activities. Events were free, although registration was required for in person activities.
Featured Virtual Lectures:
- Dr. Andrew Tweel, SC Department of Natural Resources – Connections Between Land Use, Stormwater Runoff, and Estuarine Habitat Quality
- Kim Morganello, Clemson Extension – Native Gardening Techniques to Mitigate Stormwater Impacts
- Keith Bowers, Biohabitats Inc. – Restoring the Future
- Mary Conley & Colette DeGarady – The Nature Conservancy Land to Sea Restoration and Resilience
- Dr. David Coyle, Clemson Extension – Climate, Invasives, and Trees, oh my! Forest Management in the “New Normal”
In-person Outdoor Learning Sessions:
- EV Bell from SC Sea Grant and Michael Hodges from SCDNR
- April Punsalan from Yahola Herbal School
- Kim Morganello and Guinn Wallover from Clemson Cooperative Extension
- Billy McCord from SCDNR
In-person Field Trips:
- Tour of Seabrook Island habitats at Camp St. Christopher (with Trip Leaders Lauren Boyd and Jeff Jackson)
- Outing in Francis Marion National Forest (with Trip Leader Dr. Joel Gramling, The Citadel)
- Tour of Charleston properties where landscape architects have incorporated native plants (with Trip Leader JR Kramer of Remark Studio)
The 2018 Symposium was hosted by the South Coast Chapter on October 5 – 7, 2018 at the Palm Key Nature Center in Ridgeland, SC.
Featured Speakers:
- Matt Johnson, Director of Bird Conservation & Engagement Audubon, SC Beidler Forest. Matt is an expert in bird biology.
- “Jan” Haldeman taught biology at Erskine College from 1967 until her retirement in May 2002. Dr. Haldeman is a long-time member of the South Carolina Native Plant Society. She was involved in development of a list and the brochure of South Carolina’s Invasive Plant Pest Species.
- Vicky McMillan, retired biologist who specialized in studies of dragonfly behavior throughout the state. Her presentation gave an overview of the biology of these beautiful insects, including their life-cycle, feeding behavior, and unusual reproductive behavior.
- Kristen Marshall Mattson, an environmental educator for the Spring Island Trust/LowCountry Institute.
Outdoor Tours:
- Spring Island tours of native plant garden designed by Thomas Angell and the Spring Island Nature Center
- Altamaha Preserve tour with Laura Lee Rose
- Palm Key campus tour with Kristen Marshall Mattson
- Donnelley Wildlife Management Area
The 2016 SC Native Plant Society Symposium was held by the Upstate Chapter at Clemson University on October 7 – 9, 2016, celebrating the SCNPS’s 20th Anniversary. The South Carolina Botanical Garden and the Garden Club of South Carolina co-sponsored this event, connecting three of our state’s premier botanical and conservation organizations. Symposium programs were held at the South Carolina Botanical Garden and the Madren Conference Center, along with many workshops and field trips on the Clemson campus and at special sites in the Clemson area.
Featured Speakers:
- Dr. Patrick McMillan, Director of the SC Botanical Garden, Bob Campbell Geology Museum & Clemson Experimental Forest and host of the Emmy Award-winning nature show “Expeditions with Patrick McMillan.”
- Dr. Drew Lanham, an Alumni Distinguished Professor of Wildlife Ecology, Forestry and Environmental Conservation at Clemson, a widely published author and popular speaker.
You can view the Symposium Guide here.
The 2015 SC Native Plant Society Symposium was held by the Lowcountry Chapter at the Felix Davis Community Center Park Circle in North Charleston on June 12 – 14, 2015. Attendees were invited to learn about relationships between people and plants, including the use of native plants as medicine, as food, and for many other practical purposes. We had a diverse set of lectures, workshops, and field trips about the wonderful native plants found right in our own backyards.
Featured Speakers:
- Ron Lance, Author and Biologist – shared stories from his experiences with researching and writing Haws — A Guide to Hawthorns of the Southeastern United States.
- Richard Porcher and Joel Gramling, shared all about their Botanical Potpourri
The 2012 SC Native Plant Society Symposium was held by the Upstate Chapter at the Madren Center in Clemson on April 13 – 14, 2012. There were workshops and field trips focused on history of the native plant communities of South Carolina’s Mountains and upper Piedmont.
Featured Speakers:
- Philip Juras, a wonderful writer and painter of current and historic native plant landscapes.
The 2011 SC Native Plant Society Symposium was held by the Piedmont Chapter at Winthrop College in Rock Hill, SC in May, 2011. The featured presentation was about the Catawba Cultural Center, focusing on the cultural and botanical history of the Catawba Indian Nation. Field trips and workshops were included, and the weekend ended with a kayaking tour through the spectacular bloom of rocky shoals spider lilies on the Catawba River at Landsford Canal State State Park.
The 2009 SC Native Plant Society Symposium was held by the Midlands Chapter at Poinsett State Park Mill Pond on October 17, 2009.
Featured Speakers:
- Relict Trillium bait experiment at Savannah River Bluffs– Smith/Gordon/Moule
- Restoration of an Urban Forest – USC Belser Arboretum – Patricia DeCoursey
- Carolina Seeps – Dan Tufford
- Spider Lilies – Gerald Smith
- Spider Lily restoration update – Bert Pittman
Featured Workshops & Field Trips:
- Bog Gardening with Mike Creel
- Nature-Scaping Workshop with Jean Woods
- Poinsett Range Manchester State Forest Walk with Terry Madewell
- Seeps /Bottomlands Nature Walk with Bert Pittman and Kathy Boyle
- Congaree National Park Big Tree Walk with Gordon Murphy
- Coquina Trail Walk with Jeff Glitzenstein
- Sparkleberry Swamp kayak trip with Jerry Bright.
- USC Arboretum with Pat DeCoursey.