SCNPS Advocacy

Be a Voice for Native Plants and Native Plant Communities!

Canby's Dropwort (Oxypolis canbyi). Credit: Lisa Lord

For 25 years, the South Carolina Native Plant Society has been a leader in conservation and advocacy for native plants, preservation of habitats, and protection for threatened and endangered species. We are proud of the reputation and respect we have gained as a science-based advocacy organization. Our efforts have helped to conserve and protect the lands, waters, and habitats that make South Carolina unique. From High Mountains, the Piedmont, Midlands, and Coastal Plains to the Barrier Islands, our botanical heritage is rich, diverse, and beautiful. SCNPS accepts the responsibility and feels truly blessed to serve as the voice for native plants and plant communities of South Carolina.

Two members, Rick Huffman and Frank Holleman, are SCNPS leaders in advocacy efforts.

Rick Huffman, Statewide Advocacy Leader

Rick Huffman, Statewide Advocacy Leader

Rick Huffman

Rick Huffman collaborates with conservation groups throughout the state, testifies at hearings, and represents the SCNPS. He informs the SCNPS State Board of Directors and members about legislation and actions important to our conservation goals.  Rick is also an Upstate Chapter board member and a founder of the SCNPS.

Frank Holleman, Advocacy Leader

Frank Holleman, Advocacy Leader

Frank Holleman

Frank Holleman is a senior attorney with the Southern Environmental Law Center (SELC), serves on the Upstate Chapter board and is president of Naturaland Trust, a land trust that protects South Carolina’s Blue Ridge Mountains and special places in the Piedmont.   He has represented the SCNPS in a number of efforts to protect native plants and their habitats.


Conservation and advocacy work is best when done in collaboration with other nonprofits. SCNPS works independently and through collaboration with federal and state agencies, local governments, and fellow nonprofit organizations to influence policy, legislation, and outcomes that serve South Carolina’s natural resources and quality of life. The last 18 years we have been a founding member of the Conservation Voters of South Carolina (CVSC) which is now the Conservation Coalition. Together, we speak with a more direct voice over a broad range of issues and legislation that affect native plant communities. Many of our members serve on state committees and local boards across the state to bring balance and sound science into discussion and decisions.

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