SCNPS Plant Sales

Looking to Acquire Native Plants?

Plant Sales or Plant Swaps are held by each chapter. Credit: Doug Lockard

Through regional plant sales or swaps, our chapters help bring native plants to public and private landscapes statewide. These events not only provide opportunities for the public to acquire native plants but also serve as educational platforms, informing attendees about the importance of native flora in sustaining healthy ecosystems.

Grand Strand Inaugural Plant Sale. Credit: Erin Donmoyer

Grand Strand

The Grand Strand Chapter held its inaugural plant sale in Fall 2023 at the Conway Town Green, along with vendors Flying Fig Farm, Native Plants to the People, Roots and Shoots Nursery, Bottle Tree Gardening, Hunter Flytraps, The Backyard Bog, and Milkweed Madness & More. Future sales will be held in Spring and Fall.

Credit: Doug Lockard


Two sales are offered each year, a Spring sale in March/April and a Fall sale in mid- to late-October. They are located in the back parking lot of Charles Towne Landing State Historic Site.

Native plant tours at a Spring plant sale. Credit: Lynn Yenkey


The Midlands Chapter offers two plant sales each year: a Spring sale in March/April and a Fall sale in October.

Cardinal flower (Lobelia cardinalis). Credit: Tierney Rosenstock


At present, the Piedmont Chapter does not hold a regularly scheduled plant sale. However, they do have seed and plant exchange events.

Happy shoppers at the SCNPS Upstate Sale. Credit: Doug Lockard


Two sales are offered each year, a Spring sale in April or May and a Fall sale in late September or early October. The chapter offers 3,000 to 4,000 native perennials grown at the Upstate Native Nursery (UNN) along with plants grown by members at their homes. The Upstate Native Nursery is open year-round by appointment. They also purchase plants from commercial native plant growers. Email us to volunteer for the next sale or at the Upstate Native Nursery.

Additional Resources: Native Plant Retailers