The SC Native Plant Society 2022 Nominating Committee (Katie Ellis, Virginia Meador, Laura Lee Rose, and Mitzi Stewart) is seeking candidates for a full slate of state officer positions (see the document below for position descriptions):
- State President
- State Vice-President
- State Secretary
- State Treasurer
Election of state officers will be held in conjunction with the Annual Meeting scheduled for October 29, 2022. Newly elected officers will serve two-year terms beginning January 1, 2023, but can be re-elected for additional terms.
Potential candidates must be SCNPS members in good standing and encouraged to have leadership and/or officer experience at the regional chapter level. Should you be interested in serving as a SCNPS state officer or know someone you would like to nominate to serve, please contact Katie Ellie ( no later than close of business, Friday, September 9, 2022.