Saturday, October 12, 8:00am till ? (all day)Field Trip: Rock Hill Blackjacks HP in York County.
Leaders: Dr. Bill Stringer & Dan Whitten. Hike: Moderate, Costs: $25.00 per person for Upstate Chapter van riders.
The Rock Hill Blackjacks Heritage Preserve covers 291 acres at the edge of the city of Rock Hill in York County. The Preserve is a blend of prairie-like meadows, wetlands, upland swamps, wildflowers, wildlife and forests, including the blackjack oaks. The site has Schweinitz Sunflower (Helianthus schweinitzii), a globally rare species. There is also a significant population of Prairie dock (Silphium terebinthinaceum), very common in the midwestern tallgrass prairies, but rare in the eastern states. As a glance back in time, this small area is all that remains of the once widespread prairie system in South Carolina. This surviving remnant prairie is a result of uncommon soil conditions based on localized parent material geology.
SCNPS will sponsor an all-day field trip to the Piedmont Prairie. Upstate chapter participants will meet 8 am at 1309 Grove Road in Greenville. SCNPS will provide a 15-passenger van and others may carpool to the site. However, parking is limited. We plan to arrive around 10 am to the preserve. Final itinerary will be sent prior the event. Please dress appropriately and bring lunch and water.
Our trip will be led by Bill Stringer, retired agronomist, and Dan Whitten, naturalist. The Piedmont Chapter is our host chapter. We are honored to provide this wonderful opportunity to share this unique remnant.
To reserve a space, contact Rick Huffman 864-901-7583 <>