The Upstate Chapter program on June 16 at 7pm will be online via Zoom. Bill Stringer offers a presentation on Fig Buttercup (Ficaria verna), a highly invasive plant that has been found in the Greenville and Rock Hill areas. Dan Whitten will co-host with Bill. Enjoy the meeting from the comfort of your own home!
Preparation for the Zoom Meeting
To prepare for the meeting, download the Zoom application to your computer, laptop, or smartphone. Please use only as your source to download. We suggest you download the app well ahead so you won’t be scrambling at the last minute. Mark the date on your calendar and plan to join in the live Zoom meeting.
How to Join the Meeting
The exact information on how to join the meeting will be sent out in a Tiny Letter on Monday, June 16. No clue what a Tiny Letter is?? Go to the website at On the home page, on the far right side see the “Receive Our E-mail Updates”. Enter your email address in the box. You will begin to receive the updates, which are called Tiny Letters. They may go to your spam, so be sure to check there. Tiny Letters arrive from all the five state chapters about their upcoming events, cancellations, plant rescues, etc. They keep you up to date on the latest news.
If you have not tried out Zoom before, embrace a new experience! Join in to find out how the Upstate Chapter of SCNPS and local partners have been battling Fig Buttercup, a menace to our streams, rivers, and wetlands.