Submitted by Doug Lockard, Sustainability Correspondent
The Boy Scouts of America (BSA) Troop 776, Lowes #528 (Simpsonville), and the SCNPS partnered this Spring to provide a much-needed renovation of the Bells Crossing Elementary School courtyard landscape. This remarkable project was proposed and directed by high school junior Daniel Turner as his BSA Eagle Scout project.
Daniel (in the red cap above) reached out to the SCNPS in Dec ’22 for assistance. The project aligned well with the SCNPS mission and was approved by the Upstate Chapter Board to be funded under its Community Grants Program. The SCNPS assisted Daniel with the site analysis, design, and plant recommendations, and provided more than 30 native plants including sedges, ferns, hydrangeas, and fothergillas, all ideally suited for the site. Lowes Store #528 provided azaleas and hydrangeas as well as a team of volunteers who augmented the more than two dozen energetic Scouts (pictured in the photo above) on planting day.