Now seeking volunteers for the Fall Upstate Plant Sale, to be held online only, October 10-14, 2023. (The last day of order pickup will be October 16.)
We’ll be needing volunteers from October 10th through the 15th to pull plants from picklists, check the pulled plants against orders, and help organize the orders pending pickup. Volunteers will be organized into shifts, 9AM-12PM and 1PM-4PM daily.
We are also seeking volunteers to help take a pre-sale inventory in the week leading up to the sale.
All these activities will be taking place at the Upstate Native Nursery.
Remember, membership (and volunteership) has its privileges. Volunteers and Members get the first
bite at the apple! We’ll be opening up online ordering exclusively to Volunteers and paid-up Members
before we open it to the general public. So volunteer and/or renew your membership now! (Even better.
Do both!)
Contact Plant Sale Chair Kathy Harrington for more information, and to sign up today!