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The Upstate Native Nursery: A Confluence of Missions

Posted on by SCNPS Website Team

Photo curtesy of WorldAtlas.comThe term ‘confluence’ means “a coming or flowing together or gathering at one pointand is an excellent metaphor for the discussions underway between the SCNPS Upstate chapter and the Conestee Foundation over a potential new home for the Upstate Native Nursery.  Since 2003 the SCNPS has grown and sold plants annually and since 2011 from a greenhouse and nursery built by Miller & Kitty Putnam.  We’re looking now to build on that incredible legacy and prepare a pathway to meet the future needs of our Upstate community.

The site that’s under consideration is a parcel within the boundary of one of Greenville’s signature public greenspaces at Conestee Nature Preserve and Wildlife Sanctuary. This site also connects with three other important Upstate organizations as the proposed falls within a larger conservation easement of Upstate Forever, is bordered on one side by the Swamp Rabbit Trail, and it falls within the City of Greenville and embraces their Sustainable Greenville mission to ‘protect our natural resources, improve the health of the region’s watersheds and reduce the City’s carbon footprint.’  Each these organizations, in their own way, share a common interest in promoting a meaningful connection of discovery, and learning about nature in the Upstate.

We’re busy now developing our plans and designs for the new nursery, which we hope will also incorporate other features including a native plant interpretative garden, a learning library, a native seed bank, and a learning center for native plant propagation and husbandry.  We’re engaging with both the public and private elements necessary to advance the project, and we’ll keep you posted on progress.

Once the project is approved by both CNP and SCNPS Boards, and permitting obtained, we’ll be assembling a team of corporate funding sponsors, contractors and volunteers to help with the construction and start-up.

Stay tuned and for more information contact