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Upstate Grants Program: Year-to-Date Report

Posted on by SCNPS Website Team

 The Upstate Chapter is excited to announce several projects we’re supporting. Kudos to Grants Committee Chair Daren Jakeman for making all this happen!

 Saluda Dam Acres

Overall project is to establish a small-scale native plant micro-nursery to contribute to the conservation of South Carolina’s natural heritage. The applicants plan on working with the SCNPS, Upstate Forever, and USDA-NRCS. Ultimately, they would like to be able to propagate native species to donate to the SCNPS Plant Sale.

The grant funds will be used to purchase a drip irrigation system, deer fencing, shade cloth, and weed barriers needed to establish the nursery.

Robin’s Nest

Project is to take empty lots in the applicant’s neighborhood and turn them into gardens that include native plant species. The mission is to create pollinator gardens along with Flowering Crab Apple Trees, Golden Bells, and Redbud trees. Gardens would include milkweed, black-eyed Susans, and irises. A children’s garden area would offer garden talks as well as hands on sessions.

Friends of the Reedy River (FoRR)

Sans Souci Neighborhood Alliance (SSNA) approached FoRR to utilize their expertise in creating healthy riparian buffer zones that support pollinators, reduce downstream sedimentation and bank loss, and improve water quality throughout the entire Reedy Watershed.

FoRR will use the SCNPS grant funds to purchase a variety of native species to plant along Verner Springs Creek, reestablishing native vegetation in order to stabilize banks, prevent further erosion, filter stormwater runoff, and beautify the landscape. Non-native invasive species will be removed prior to native plant installation to ensure the success of the new plants, and invasive species will continue to be removed as needed throughout the project term.


Image credit: Cynthia Gibson/Dream Studio