Did you know that a trillium (a beautiful, delicate plant, which blooms only briefly each Spring) may take seven years or longer to develop from seed to blossom — and can then bloom for more than a hundred years?
At this month’s meeting (in person at Landrum Depot, and via Zoom, and available thereafter on our YouTube Channel) Tim Lee, Interpretive Ranger/Naturalist for the Mountain Bridge Wilderness Area, will present “Trillium of The Carolinas,” bringing us up to date on the current debate over trillium’s botanical classification, and shedding more light on the plant’s life-cycle, including its pollination and dispersion by bees, native ants, and yellow jackets.
CLICK HERE for more information, the Zoom link and to add the meeting to your calendar.
Here is the Zoom link for the meeting: https://zoom.us/j/91956361278?pwd=alJiU01rTldpQ1FEUUMzS2pzZFZrQT09