The Plant List has Arrived!
- Plants are organized by type, then alphabetically by Latinate name. You can search for keywords by pressing CMD-F (Mac) or CTRL-F (PC).
- Members & Volunteers: We will be posting the pre-sale online order form on the evening of Friday, April 7. PLEASE DO NOT EMAIL ORDERS — WE WILL ONLY BE ACCEPTING ORDERS SENT VIA THE ONLINE PORTAL, which we will link to from this page on Friday!
So: Get out your pencil and drool over the list below to your heart’s content. All plants have limited quantities (some more than others), so make sure to formulate your sale-day plan accordingly. (And, remember to bring your own wagon — we won’t have any to loan out this year.)
Cash, credit cards, and checks accepted. A 3% surcharge will apply for credit card orders to cover our processing fees. (Sorry! But, you know: non-profit, and all that!)
Full details about the sale and links to our FAQ pages can be found HERE.
Download a printable copy of the plant list in PDF form, HERE.
Download a copy of the plant list in Excel form, HERE.
Once the Pre-Sale has concluded, we will update this list with locations keyed to the Conestee sale map.
Item Name | $ | |
FERNS | ||
Asplenium platyneuron – Fern, Ebony spleenwort (1g) | 12 | |
Asplenium platyneuron – Fern, Ebony Spleenwort (4″) | 6 | |
Athyrium filix-femina -Fern, Lady (1g) | 12 | |
Dryopteris celsa – Fern, Log (1g) | 12 | |
Dryopteris marginalis – Fern, Marginal Wood (1g) | 12 | |
Matteuccia struthiopteris – Fern, Ostrich (1g) | 12 | |
Matteuccia struthiopteris – Fern, Ostrich (1.5g) | 20 | |
Onoclea sensibilis – Fern, Sensitive (1g) | 12 | |
Osmunda regalis – Fern, Royal (1g) | 12 | |
Osmundastrum cinnamomeum – Fern, Cinnamon (1g) | 12 | |
Polystichum acrostichoides – Fern, Christmas (1g) | 12 | |
Polystichum acrostichoides – Fern, Christmas (3g) | 20 | |
Sceptridium biternatum – Southern Grapefern (4”) | 6 | |
Achillea millefolium – Yarrow, white (1g) | 9 | |
Actaea racemosa – Black Cohosh (1g) | 10 | |
Agastache scrophulariifolia – Purple Giant Hyssop (1g) | 9 | |
Allium cernuum – Nodding Onion (4”) | 4 | |
Ampelaster carolinianus -Climbing Aster (1g) | 10 | |
Amsonia tabernaemontana v. salicifolia -Bluestar, Willowleaf (4Tall) | 6 | |
Amsonia tabernaemontana v. salicifolia -Bluestar, Willowleaf (1g) | 9 | |
Antennaria solitaria – Pussytoes (4”) | 6 | |
Antennaria solitaria – Pussytoes (1g) | 10 | |
Aquilegia canadensis – Columbine (4”) | 6 | |
Aquilegia canadensis – Columbine (1g) | 9 | |
Arisaema quinatum – Jack-in-the-Pulpit, Five-leaved (1g) | 12 | |
Aruncus dioicus – Goat’s Beard (1g) | 12 | |
Asclepias incarnata – Milkweed, Swamp (1g) | 12 | |
Asclepias tuberosa – Milkweed, Butterfly (4″) | 4 | |
Baptisia alba – White False Indigo (1g) | 12 | |
Baptisia australis – Blue False Indigo (1g) | 12 | |
Baptisia tinctoria – Yellow Wild Indigo (1g) | 12 | |
Bidens aristosa – Swamp Marigold (1g) | 8 | |
Cardamine dissecta – Forkleaf Toothwort (4”) | 12 | |
Chimaphila maculata – Spotted Pipsissewa (4”) | 6 | |
Chrysogonum virginianum – Green-and-gold (4″) | 4 | |
Claytonia virginica – Spring Beauty (1g) | 10 | |
Conoclinium coelestinum – Blue Mistflower (1g) | 8 | |
Coreopsis auriculata – Tickseed (1g) | 8 | |
Coreopsis grandiflora – Tickseed, Large Flower (1g) | 9 | |
Coreopsis lanceolata – Tickseed, Lanceleaf (1g) | 9 | |
Coreopsis palmata – Prairie Coreopsis (4″Tall) | 6 | |
Coreopsis tripteris – Tickseed, Tall (1g) | 9 | |
Echinacea purpurea – Coneflower, Purple (4″Tall) | 6 | |
Erigeron pulchellus – Robin’s Plantain (1g) | 8 | |
Eryngium yuccifolium – Rattlesnake Master (1g) | 12 | |
Erythronium umbilicatum – Trout Lily, Dimpled (1g) | 9 | |
Eupatorium rotundifolium – Thoroughwort, Roundleaf (1g) | 8 | |
Eurybia divaricata – Aster, White Wood (1g) | 10 | |
Eutrochium fistulosum – Joe-Pye Weed (1g) | 10 | |
Geranium maculatum – Geranium, Spotted Wild (1g) | 10 | |
Helenium autumnale – Common Sneezeweed (1g) | 8 | |
Helianthus angustifolius – Sunflower, Swamp Narrowleaf (3.5Tall) | 4 | |
Helianthus atrorubens – Sunflower, Purpledisc (1g) | 9 | |
Helianthus giganteus – Sunflower, Tall (2g) | 8 | |
Helianthus glaucopyllus – Sunflower, White Leaf (1g) | 8 | |
Helianthus mollis – Sunflower, Ashy (1g) | 8 | |
Helianthus schweinitzii – Sunflower, Schweinitz’s (1g) | 9 | |
Heliopsis helianthoides – Sunflower, Oxeye (1g) | 8 | |
Hibiscus coccineus – Rose Mallow, Scarlet (1g) | 10 | |
Hibiscus moscheutos – Rose Mallow, Swamp (1g) | 10 | |
Hypoxis hirsuta – Yellow Star Grass (1g) | 8 | |
Iris cristata – Iris, Dwarf Crested (1g) | 12 | |
Iris virginica – Southern Blue Flag (1g) | 12 | |
Liatris microcephalus – Gayfeather, Dwarf (1.5 gal) | 12 | |
Liatris spicata – Gayfeather, Blazing Star (4″Tall) | 6 | |
Lilium michauxii – Lily, Carolina (2 years) (1g) | 15 | |
Lilium michauxii – Lily, Carolina (3 years) (1g) | 18 | |
Lilium michauxii – Lily, Carolina (4 years) (1g) | 20 | |
Lilium superbum – Lily, Turk’s Cap | 15 | |
Lobelia cardinalis – Cardinal Flower (1g) | 8 | |
Lobelia siphilitica – Lobelia, Great Blue (1g) | 10 | |
Lysimachia quadrifolia – Loosestrife, Whorled Yellow (1g) | 9 | |
Maianthemum racemosum – Solomon’s Plume (1g) | 10 | |
Manfreda virginica – American Aloe (1g) | 10 | |
Mitchella repens – Partridge Berry (1g) | 10 | |
Monarda didyma – Beebalm (4”) | 5 | |
Monarda didyma ‘Marshall’s Delight’ – Beebalm (4”) | 6 | |
Monarda didyma – Beebalm (1g) | 10 | |
Monarda fistulosa – Beebalm, Wild Bergamot (1g) | 8 | |
Monarda punctata – Beebalm, Spotted (1g) | 8 | |
Nymphaea odorata – American White Water-lily (1g) | 20 | |
Oenothera fruticosa – Sundrops (1g) | 8 | |
Packera aurea – Golden Ragwort (1g) | 10 | |
Parthenium integrifolium – Wild Quinine (1g) | 10 | |
Penstemon digitalis – Beardtongue, Foxglove (4”) | 5 | |
Penstemon digitalis – Beardtongue, Foxglove (1g) | 10 | |
Penstemon smallii – Beardtongue, Small’s (4″) | 5 | |
Phlox divaricata ‘Blue Moon’ – Phlox, Wild Blue – (1g) | 12 | |
Phlox stolonoifera – Phlox, Creeping (4”) | 6 | |
Phlox stolonoifera – Phlox, Creeping (1g) | 10 | |
Physostegia virginiana – Obedient Plant (1g) | 9 | |
Pityopsis graminifolia – Goldenaster, Silk Grass (4”) | 5 | |
Pityopsis graminifolia – Goldenaster, Silk Grass (1g) | 9 | |
Podophyllum peltatum – Mayapple (1g) | 12 | |
Pontederia cordata – Pickerelweed (1g) | 9 | |
Pycnanthemum muticum – Mountain Mint, Short Tooth (4Tall) | 5 | |
Pycnanthemum muticum – Mountain Mint, Short Tooth (1g) | 8 | |
Pycnanthemum pycnanthemoides – Mountain Mint, Southern (1g) | 9 | |
Pycnanthemum tenuifolium – Mountain Mint, Narrowleaf (4Tall) | 5 | |
Pycnanthemum tenuifolium – Mountain Mint, Narrowleaf (1g) | 8 | |
Pycnanthemum verticillatum v. pilosum – Mountain Mint, Whorled (4”) | 5 | |
Pycnanthemum verticillatum v. pilosum – Mountain Mint, Whorled (1g) | 9 | |
Ratibida pinnata – Coneflower, Gray-Headed (1g) | 9 | |
Rudbeckia fulgida – Coneflower, Orange (1g) | 8 | |
Rudbeckia heliopsidis – Coneflower, Sunfacing (1g) | 9 | |
Rudbeckia hirta – Coneflower, Black-eyed Susan (4”) | 6 | |
Rudbeckia hirta – Coneflower, Black-eyed Susan (1g) | 8 | |
Rudbeckia maxima – Coneflower, Giant (1g) | 9 | |
Rudbeckia triloba – Coneflower, Brown-eyed Susan (1g) | 9 | |
Ruellia caroliniensis – Carolina Petunia (1g) | 8 | |
Sagittarius latifolia – Broadleaf Arrowhead (3.5”) | 12 | |
Salvia coccinea – Scarlet Sage (4Tall) | 6 | |
Salvia lyrata – Lyreleaf Sage, Cancer Weed (1g) | 8 | |
Saururus cernuus – Lizard’s Tail (1g) | 8 | |
Sceptridium biternatum – Southern Grapefern (4”) | 6 | |
Silene subciliata – Smooth Scarlet Catchfly (1g) | 10 | |
Silphium terebinthinaceum – Prairie Dock (3g) | 10 | |
Sisyrinchium angustifolium – Blue-eyed Grass (1g) | 9 | |
Sisyrinchium angustifolium ‘Lucerne’ – Blue-eyed Grass | 12 | |
Solidago juncea – Goldenrod, Early (1g) | 10 | |
Solidago nemoralis – Goldenrod, Gray (3.5”) | 5 | |
Solidago nemoralis – Goldenrod, Gray (1g) | 8 | |
Solidago odora – Goldenrod, Sweet (4”) | 6 | |
Solidago rigida – Goldenrod, Stiff (1g) | 10 | |
Solidago rugosa ‘Fireworks’ – Goldenrod, Wrinkle Leaf (1g) | 10 | |
Solidago shortii – Goldenrod, Short’s (1g) | 10 | |
Solidago speciosa – Goldenrod, Showy (1g) | 10 | |
Symphyotrichum cordifolium – Aster, Heart Leaf (1g) | 9 | |
Symphyotrichum drummondii – Aster, Drummond’s (3.5”) | 4 | |
Symphyotrichum elliottii – Aster, Elliott’s (1g) | 8 | |
Symphyotrichum ericoides – Aster, Frost (1g) | 10 | |
Symphyotrichum georgianum – Aster, Georgia (1g) | 9 | |
Symphyotrichum laeve – Smooth Aster (1g) | 9 | |
Symphyotrichum lateriflorum – Aster, Calico (1g) | 10 | |
Symphyotrichum novae-angliae – Aster, New England (1g) | 8 | |
Symphyotrichum oblongifolium ‘Raydon’s Favorite’ -Aster, Aromatic 4” | 6 | |
Tephrosia spicata – Spiked Hoarypea (1g) | 8 | |
Tipularia discolor – Crane-fly Orchid (4”) | 6 | |
Tradescantia ohioensis – Spiderwort (1g) | 9 | |
Trillium cuneatum – Trillium, Sweet Betsy (4″) | 6 | |
Trillium cuneatum – Trillium, Sweet Betsy (1g) | 12 | |
Vernonia noveboracensis – Ironweed, New York (1g) | 12 | |
Veronicastrum virginicum – Culver’s Root (1g) | 9 | |
Yucca filamentosa – Adam’s Needle (1g) | 10 | |
Zizea aurea – Golden Alexander (4″Tall) | 6 | |
Zizea aurea – Golden Alexander (1g) | 10 | |
Andropogon gerardii – Grass, Big Bluestem (1g) | 8 | |
Andropogon glomeratus – Grass, Bushy Bluestem (4Tall) | 5 | |
Bouteloua curtipendula – Grass, Sideoats Grama (1g) | 8 | |
Carex amphibola – Sedge, Eastern Narrow Leaf (1g) | 8 | |
Carex appalachica – Sedge, Appalachian (4Tall) | 5 | |
Carex cherokeensis – Sedge, Cherokee (4”) | 5 | |
Carex cherokeensis – Sedge, Cherokee (1g) | 8 | |
Carex laxiculmis ‘Hobb’ – Sedge, Creeping ‘Hobb’ (1g) | 8 | |
Carex leavenworthii – Sedge, Leavenworth’s (1g) | 8 | |
Carex pensylvanica – Sedge, Pennsylvania (4Tall) | 5 | |
Carex radiata – Sedge, Eastern Star (4Tall) | 5 | |
Carex texensis – Sedge, Texas (1g) | 8 | |
Chasmanthium latifolium – Grass, Inland Sea Oats (1g) | 8 | |
Chasmanthium laxum – Grass, Slender Woodoats (1g) | 8 | |
Elymus hystrix – Grass, Eastern Bottlebrush (Plugs) | 5 | |
Erianthus alopecuroides – Grass, Silver plumegrass (1g) | 8 | |
Muhlenbergia capillaris – Grass, Pink Muhly (4Tall) | 5 | |
Muhlenbergia capillaris – Grass, Pink Muhly (1g) | 12 | |
Muhlenbergia lindheimeri – Grass, Lindheimer’s (1g) | 12 | |
Muhlenbergia reverchonii – Grass, Rose (4″Tall) | 5 | |
Panicum virgatum – Grass, Switchgrass (1g) | 8 | |
Rhynchospora colorata – Sedge, White-topped (1g) | 9 | |
Schizaachyrium scoparium – Little Bluestem (1gal) | 9 | |
Sorghastrum nutans – Grass, Yellow Indiangrass (1g) | 8 | |
Tripsacum dactyloides – Grass, Eastern Gama (1g) | 8 | |
Aesculus pavia – Buckeye, Red (1g) | 10 | |
Aesculus sylvatica X – Buckeye – Painted (1g) | 10 | |
Aesculus sylvatica X – Buckeye – Painted (2g) | 20 | |
Amorpha fruticosa – False Indigo (Bush) (1g) | 12 | |
Aronia arbutifolia – Chokeberry, Red (3g) | 30 | |
Aronia melanocarpa – Chokeberry, Black (3g) | 30 | |
Callicarpa americana – Beautyberry, American (1g) | 12 | |
Callicarpa americana – Beautyberry, American (3g) | 20 | |
Calycanthus floridus – Sweetshrub (1g) | 12 | |
Calycanthus floridus – Sweetshrub (3g) | 30 | |
Cephalanthus occidentalis – Buttonbush (1g) | 10 | |
Cephalanthus occidentalis – Buttonbush (3g) | 30 | |
Chionanthus virginicus – Fringetree, White (1g) | 10 | |
Clethra alnifolia ‘16 Candles” – Summersweet “16 Candles” (1g) | 12 | |
Clethra alnifolia ‘16 Candles” – Summersweet “16 Candles” (2g) | 15 | |
Clethra alnifolia ‘Hummingbird’ – Summersweet (3g) | 30 | |
Cornus foemina – Dogwood, Swamp (2g) | 12 | |
Diervilla sessilifolia – Honeysuckle Bush (3g) | 30 | |
Euonymus americanus – Strawberry Bush, Hearts-a-Bustin’ (1g) | 12 | |
Euonymus americanus – Strawberry Bush, Hearts-a-Bustin’ (3g) | 20 | |
Fothergilla gardenii – Fothergilla, Dwarf (3g) | 30 | |
Fothergilla major v. ‘Mt. Airy’ – Fothergilla ‘Mt. Airy’ (3g) | 30 | |
Hydrangea arborescens – Hydrangea, Smooth (3g) | 30 | |
Hydrangea arborescens ‘Annabelle’- Hydrangea, Smooth (3g) | 30 | |
Hydrangea quercifolia – Hydrangea, Oakleaf (3g) | 30 | |
Hydrangea radiata – Silverleaf Hydrangea (1) | 10 | |
Hypericum prolificum – St. John’s Wort, Shrubby (1g) | 12 | |
Ilex opaca – Holly, American (1g) | 10 | |
Ilex verticillata ‘Southern Gentlemen’ – Winterberry Holly (male) (3g) | 30 | |
Ilex verticillata ‘Winter Red’ – Winterberry Holly (female) (3g) | 30 | |
Ilex vomitoria – Holly, Yaupon Holly (1g) | 10 | |
Itea virginica – Sweetspire (1g) | 12 | |
Leucothoe axillaris – Coastal Leucothoe (1g) | 18 | |
Lindera benzoin – Spicebush (3g) | 30 | |
Rhododendron arborescens – Azalea, Sweet (1g) | 15 | |
Rhododendron arborescens – Azalea, Sweet (3g) | 40 | |
Rhododendron calendulaceum – Azalea, Flame (1g) | 15 | |
Rhododendron calendulaceum – Azalea, Flame (3g) | 40 | |
Rhododendron canescens – Azalea, Piedmont (1g) | 15 | |
Rhododendron canescens – Azalea, Piedmont (3g) | 40 | |
Rhododendron colemanii – Azalea, Red Hills (2g) | 10 | |
Rhododendron periclymenoides – Azalea, Pinxterbloom (1g) | 15 | |
Rhododendron periclymenoides – Azalea, Pinxterbloom (3g) | 40 | |
Rhus aromatica ‘Gro-low’ – Sumac, Fragrant (3g) | 35 | |
Rhus copallinum – Sumac, Winged (1g) | 15 | |
Rosa carolina – Carolina Rose (1g) | 15 | |
Sambucus canadensis – Elderberry (1g) | 8 | |
Sambucus canadensis – Elderberry (2g) | 15 | |
Spirea tomentosa – Hardhack (3g) | 30 | |
Swida amomum (syn.w/Cornus) – Dogwood, Silky (1g) | 12 | |
Swida amomum (syn.w/Cornus)- Dogwood, Silky (3g) | 20 | |
Vaccinium virgatum ‘Brightwell’- Rabbiteye Blueberry (1g) | 15 | |
Vaccinium virgatum ‘Krewer’ – Rabbiteye Blueberry (1g) | 15 | |
Vaccinium virgatum ‘Ochlockonee’ – Rabbiteye Blueberry (1g) | 15 | |
Viburnum dentatum – Viburnum, Arrowwood (2g) | 20 | |
Viburnum dentatum – Viburnum, Arrowwood (3g) | 30 | |
Viburnum prunifolium – Viburnum, Blackhaw (3g) | 30 | |
Viburnum rufidulum – Viburnum, Rusty Blackhaw (3g) | 30 | |
Xanthoriza simplicissima – Yellowroot (1g) | 12 | |
Xanthoriza simplicissima – Yellowroot (2g) | 18 | |
TREES | ||
Acer leucoderme – Maple, Chalk (1g) | 10 | |
Aesculus flava – Yellow Buckeye (1g) | 12 | |
Amelanchier arborea – Serviceberry, Downy (1g) | 12 | |
Amelanchier laevis – Serviceberry (3g) | 35 | |
Asimina triloba – Pawpaw (2nd year from seed) (1g) | 12 | |
Betula nigra – River Birch (1g) | 12 | |
Cercis canadensis – Redbud, Eastern (1g) | 10 | |
Cercis canadensis – Redbud, Eastern (2g) | 12 | |
Cercis canadensis – Redbud, Eastern (3g) | 15 | |
Diospyrus virginiana – Persimmon, American (1g) | 10 | |
Juglans nigra – Black Walnut (1g) | 12 | |
Juniperus virginiana – Eastern Red Cedar (2g) | 12 | |
Liriodendron tulipifera – Tulip Poplar (1g) | 10 | |
Liriodendron tulipifera – Tulip Poplar (3g) | 15 | |
Magnolia tripetala – Magnolia, Umbrella (2g) | 20 | |
Oxydendron arboreum – Sourwood (1g) | 12 | |
Oxydendron arboreum – Sourwood (2g) | 20 | |
Oxydendron arboreum – Sourwood (3g) | 30 | |
Taxodium distichum – Bald Cypress (2g) | 15 | |
VINES | ||
Aristolochia macrophylla – Dutchman’s Pipe (3 Tall) | 10 | |
Bignonia capreolata – Cross vine (1g) | 10 | |
Centrosema virginianum – Spurred Butterfly Pea (1g) | 10 | |
Gelsemium sempervirens – Carolina Jessamine (1g) | 10 | |
Hydrangea barbara – Hydrangea, Climbing (1g) | 10 | |
Lonicera sempervirens – Coral Honeysuckle (1g) | 10 | |
Passiflora lutea – Passion Flower, Yellow (1g) | 10 |