Members will be able to pre-order plants between Wednesday, February 22 – Tuesday, February 28. If you are not a current member, you will need to join on or before Tuesday, February 21 or renew membership online at on or before Tuesday, February 21 to participate in this pre-order.
After reviewing the plant list, you can place your order by emailing Eddie Bernard at Write “Spring Native Plant Order” in the subject line, include your full name and phone number in the message and who (if not you) will be picking up your order. Please also include which day you anticipate picking your plants up, either Friday or Saturday. For each plant ordered, please include:
• Common and Botanical Name of plant (variety if applicable)
• Size of pot
• Quantity
There is a minimum of 10 plants and a maximum of 25 plants per order and a maximum of 20 orders taken. You will receive an email confirming the order and stating the total cost by the second week of March. Note: Quantities are not guaranteed. Orders will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis and if we reach a maximum capacity we will stop taking new pre-orders.
You will be able to pickup your pre-ordered plants at the back parking lot at Charles Towne Landing on Friday, March 24 from 12:00pm-1:00pm or Saturday March 25 from 9am to 11am during the sale.
Cash or checks made out to “SC Native Plant Society” will be the only payment methods taken on Friday. Cash, check or credit card will be accepted on Saturday.
If you are not able to pick up your order within these dates and times and make payment by noted methods, please do not place an order! Final cost will be provided with confirmation email for order.
2023 Lowcountry SCNPS Spring Pre-Orders