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South Carolina Forestry Commission Shortleaf Conference – Registration is Open

Posted on by SCNPS Website Team

Shortleaf pine (Pinus echinata) is one of the major southern pine species. Its forests and associated habitats contain extraordinary cultural, ecological, and economic value by providing recreational opportunities, enhanced water quality, wildlife habitat, and high-value wood products.

Despite these values, shortleaf pine has significantly declined across much of its native range. To prevent further decline, the South Carolina Forestry Commission intends to increase awareness about the importance of this species with a conference devoted to the shortleaf. They hope to reach local landowner associations, consultants, local conservation easement groups, active landowners interested in timber management, and public organizations promoting shortleaf pine. Topics to be discussed include stand diversity, conservation, wildlife, and recreation.

The conference will take place at the Piedmont Forestry Center on November 16th and is limited to 50 individuals. Cost is $25. For more information and to request a registration form, contact Tim Adams at 803-896-8802 or