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Seeking New Officers for Upstate SCNPS

Posted on by Jesse Freeman (Upstate)

Photo Credit: DALL-E\Jesse Freeman

As we move into the heart of summer, the SCNPS Upstate chapter finds itself at a pivotal moment. Our fearless leader, Upstate Chapter President Pam Barbour, will be coming to the end of her term in December 2024. She would love to start training her successor now if she could, but typically this would begin in November 2024. Additionally, our dedicated Treasurer, Phillip Adams, has expressed a desire to start training a new individual for the role beginning in January 2025. This transition period offers a fantastic opportunity for someone new to step in and learn the ropes, ensuring a seamless handover.

Currently, there are no candidates for either the Upstate President or Treasurer roles. And with the need to present a slate of officers 45 days before the Symposium on October 18, 2024, time is of the essence. We need to secure our leadership positions promptly to ensure our chapter continues to thrive and grow.

We are calling on members who have a passion for native plants and conservation, as well as a desire to contribute to the SCNPS Upstate chapter in a leadership capacity. Whether you have experience in financial management or leadership, or simply a willingness to learn and a commitment to our mission, we encourage you to consider stepping forward.

By joining the leadership team, you will have the chance to shape the future of the flagship chapter of the SCNPS, support important conservation efforts, and work with a fantastic group of dedicated individuals. If you are interested or know someone who might be a great fit for either of these roles, please get in touch with us soon. Together, we can ensure a bright and sustainable future for the SCNPS Upstate chapter.

For more information or to express your interest, please contact us at Help us continue to make a positive impact on our local environment and community.