Rocky Shoals Spider Lily
William Bartram called it Pancratium fluitans, we call it Hymenocallis coronaria, but either way the Rocky Shoals Spider Lily is a large, beautiful and rare lily that inhabits shoals and rapids in piedmont streams. Agricultural sedimentation and hydropower development of shoals have drastically reduced the occurrence of this spectacular native plant.
McCormick County Site
In collaboration with the South Carolina Native Plant Society, a site with excellent habitat on 12.8 acres of land and stream bed on Stevens Creek in McCormick County has been purchased by the Naturaland Trust. The stream arises and flows through a largely undeveloped, forested watershed, so the water quality in the stream is good. Several native fish species and a diverse community of aquatic insects, as well as some native mussel species are found in the stream. The lilies site comprises approximately 150 yards of shoals and rapids in the Creek.
The land contains mature pine timber as well as diverse mixed hardwoods. There is a turn-of-the-century grist mill with hydro-power structure and drive train largely intact but non-functional, and 200 yards of mill race canal. Just upstream from the property is an intact impoundment structure and gating for control of water flow to the mill. There is electricity and water on-site, as well as a toilet facility (attached to the mill building).
Property Management and Site Improvements
Vegetation management is generally minimal, mostly limited to removing occasional removal of invasive species using manual control measures and keeping an eye on diseases that impact the lilies. Occasional controlled burns may be implemented if a workable and safe fire plan can be developed.
The mill has had a new roof installed to protect the structural integrity of the building. A bridge across the millrace canal has been replaced and upgraded. A metal grill has been installed over the open mill penstock, for the safety of visitors.
We are contemplating building an open-sided pavilion to house meetings, workshops, etc.
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