In case you haven’t heard, we are sad to report the passing of SCNPS member James Alexander Fowler.
One of the earliest members of the Upstate Native Plant Society, Jim was a prolific contributor for many years. Having spent years of field research on native orchids and carnivorous plants, he became a leading expert in his field of study as a naturalist. His books and native plant images and information online provide valuable content to the science, and he was honored by the U.S.Postal Service with the publication of Wild Orchids Forever Stamp collection in 2020. Jim took his last photography field trip on Mount Mitchell on June 25, 2021.
Learn more about this incredible member and his contributions to native plants research and in our society in
Bill Stringer’s Remembering Jim Fowler
Patrick McMillan’s tribute
Walter Ezell’s The Timeline of an Untimely End