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Field Report: Old Indian Mountain Field Trip

Posted on by SCNPS Website Team

Doghobble Falls
Photo Courtesy of D. Whitten

On May Day (May 1) Vic Shelbourne and Dan Whitten led a group of 15 on a field trip that started out from Camp Old Indian. They followed a trail uphill along a fertile stream bank replete with wildflowers and bird songs and climbed 900 feet up to Old Indian Mountain on Greenville Watershed property.


Mapleleaf Viburnum (Viburnum acerifolium)
Photo Courtesy of D. Whitten

Vic is a retired Clemson professor of dendrology and kept the group informed about the trees they passed, including the state champion Cucumber Magnolia (Magnolia acuminate) and the third largest Tuliptree (Liriodendron tulipifera) in the state! Vic has also worked for many years with the Boy Scouts of America and was very informative about the history of the camp and its trails.