The Lowcountry Chapter has a great spring schedule to provide our members many fun and educational native plant learning opportunities. Our lecture location remains on the campus of The Citadel but has shifted next door to Byrd Hall auditorium. The chapter will provide light refreshments after each lecture, and attendees may bring their beverage of choice. See details about upcoming lectures and field trips in this newsletter.
At each chapter lecture, and at other events, we will be selling SCNPS shirts, seed packets, and stickers. These items are not yet available for online ordering, so be sure to join us at the lectures and other events to purchase SCNPS goodies. Both of the shirt designs were created by our talented Education & Outreach Chair, Lauren Boyd.
The seed packets are a blend of native species including splitbeard bluestem (Andropogon ternarius), blazing star (Liatris), blanket flower (Gaillardia), tickseed (Coreopsis), spotted beebalm (Monarda punctata), and rattlesnake master (Eryngium yuccifolium). These packets can be sown in a sunny, well drained area of your garden. They are easy-to-grow species and will support a plethora of wildlife. Proceeds from our merchandise sales go towards funding the SCNPS Lowcountry Chapter School and Community Grant Program. Spring grant applications are now open through February 10th. For more information on the grant program, visit this link or contact Matt Johnson at
Samantha Porzelt
SCNPS Lowcountry Chapter President