LECTURE Tuesday, October 21, 6:30 pm
Biology Auditorium, 101 Duckett Hall at The Citadel
From Seeds to Shoreline
Elizabeth Vernon Bell, Marine Education Specialist with the SC Sea Grant Consortium
From Seeds to Shoreline (S2S) is currently the only student-driven salt marsh restoration program in South Carolina, coordinated by the SC Sea Grant Consortium in partnership with Clemson University Extension and the SC Department of Natural Resources. This presentation will highlight how students and teachers become involved in the cultivation and transplantation of Spartina alterniflora, the dominant plant in southeastern salt marshes. http://www.scseagrant.org/
FIELD TRIP Saturday, October 25, 9:30 am – 1 pm
Folly Beach County Park
Native Plants and Their Roles in Maritime Systems
Mary Conley, Southeast Marine Conservation Director, The Nature Conservancy
Beach and marsh vegetation has an important role in maintaining our coastalsystems – securing sediments, filtering water, providing habitat and protecting upland communities. Come join Mary Conley from The Nature Conservancy as we look closely at an island system in flux. We will also see the effects of this past winter’s sea oat rescue and see how the beach renourishment is working out. Meet at the Folly Beach County Park parking lot, at the southwest end of Folly Beach. Contact Jeff Jackson (lowcountryroots@aol.com or 478-5827) for more info. http://www.ccprc.com/index.aspx?NID=61