This will be a two part trip to Bio Way Farm in Ware Shoals and the Post Oak Savanna Natural Area in Saluda County. It will be led by Chris Sermons, a naturalist who has studied native species, farming, permaculture, and conservation for more than 20 years. Passionate about preserving and restoring native habitat, he was also voted “Farmer of the Year” in 2016 by the Carolina Farm Stewardship Association. And he just happens to be Vice President of our Upstate Chapter!
Per Chris:
“First, we’ll meet at Bio Way Farm to look at the extensive native plant landscaping, including my efforts to restore a remnant Post Oak/Southern Red Oak savanna. We’ll talk about landscape design and natural history, and I’ll point out indicator species of oak savannas.
“Next, we’ll carpool to the natural area in the Long Cane district of the Sumter National Forest. This site is described by Patrick McMillan as “the closest any of us can get to experiencing the landscape that existed during the time of Mark Catesby in the early 1700s.” I’m hoping we’ll see characteristic species like Piedmont Wand Goldenrod, Leadplant, and Rattlesnake Master.
“Bio Way Farm is approximately halfway between Greenville and the Post Oak natural area, so it’s a good place to meet and carpool to the second site. But if you prefer to skip the first part of the trip, you can choose to meet us at the natural area in Saluda County instead.”
Email Chris Sermons at for more information, and to register for one or both halves of this exciting outing.