This is a reminder to take advantage of a joint venture with the South Carolina Botanical Garden and the South Carolina Native Plant Society for an enlightening journey into our state’s rich botanical heritage by taking courses this spring that can be used to complete a Certificate in Native Plant Studies. Our Certificate in Native Plant Studies curriculum offers hands-on classes exploring diverse native plants and ecosystems, from mountains to the sea. Embark on a journey of botanical discovery and deepen your understanding of South Carolina’s native plants through these comprehensive classes.
Click HERE to learn more.
Remember to plan accordingly as Basic Botany is a prerequisite for all other core classes. The locations and times vary. Each class is completed in one day and costs $90. However, SCNPS and SCBG members receive a 10% discount.
Core Classes:
- Friday, February 16: Basic Botany (Clemson)
- Thursday, February 29: Basic Botany (Charleston)
- Saturday, March 16: Basic Horticulture*
- Saturday, April 6: Natural Plant Communities*
- Thursday, April 11: Spring Herbaceous Plant Identification*
- Saturday, May 18: Sustainable Landscaping*
- Saturday, May 25: Tree Identification*
*Note: Requires Basic Botany.
- Saturday, March 9: Propagation
- Thursday, March 14: Soils
- Saturday, April 20: Native Plants for Pollinators
- Friday, May 10: Ferns
- Saturday, May 18: Piedmont Habitats
- Dates TBA:
- Jocasee Gorges: The Perfect Outdoor Classroom
- Invasive Plant Control
Click HERE to sign up.