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Carolina Goldentop (Euthamia caroliniana): Grand Strand October 2023 Plant of the Month

Posted on by Tierney Rosenstock

Carolina goldentop (Euthamia caroliniana). Credit: Tierney Rosenstock

As summer gives way to fall in the coastal plain, an array of yellow flowered native plants are putting on their display before setting seed and going dormant for the year. Among them is Euthamia caroliniana, commonly known as Carolina goldentop or slender flattop goldenrod. While not actually a goldenrod (Soildago sp.), it shares the same plant family – Asteraceae

Carolina goldentop is native from southern MA south to south FL and west to southeast LA. It grows in pine savannas, moist forests, ditches, pastures, disturbed areas, and is more common in the coastal regions within its range. In the garden, it can be grown as a perennial in moist soils of naturalized areas, pollinator gardens, pond edges, or even bog gardens in full sun to partial shade. It does not tolerate consistently dry soils. Plants grow up to 3 ft tall by 2 ft wide. The leaves are alternate and linear, almost needle-like. The golden-yellow flowers bloom copiously from late summer to early winter on corymbose inflorescences, lending to the “flat-top” descriptor. The flower stems also make great cut flowers. The flowers attract bees and butterflies, but of particular value to bees.

Further Reading:

NC State Extension Gardener Plant Toolbox

North Carolina Botanical Garden Flora of the Southeastern United States