Working to protect and restore native plants, and educate communities across South Carolina

The South Carolina Native Plant Society (SCNPS) is a community of nature lovers, hikers, gardeners, environmental advocates, students, educators, photographers, land managers, botanists, naturalists, and others representing many different talents, interests and backgrounds.

We have banded together to protect native plant communities that are threatened, restore those that have been decimated or destroyed, and educate ourselves and others about…

  • the importance of native plants
  • where to find them in nature
  • how to add them to our gardens
  • and how to fully appreciate the essential role native plants play in sustaining our ecosystems, and, by extension, us.

How You Can Help

Monarch butterfly feeds on a native purple coneflower (Echinacea purpurea). Credit: David Wagner


  • Advocate for native and pollinator plantings in public spaces such as parks, near public buildings, and even in roadway medians.
  • Support local preservation efforts and organizations such as land trusts that help keep plant and animal communities intact.
  • Advocate for protection of sensitive lands and habitats in your community, your state, and the nation.
  • Press for legislation and financial support for native plants and eradication of invasives
  • Report infestations of invasives on public land to the appropriate authority, such as a park ranger or preserve manager, or document them through the Wild Spotter app.
  • Donate to SCNPS Advocacy efforts. Donations can be recurring, one-time, legacy, or endowments.

Canby's dropwort (Oxypolis canbyi). Credit: Lisa Lord


  • Convert your home landscape to include more native plants and eradicate invasives.
  • Participate in plant rescue efforts or invasive species removal projects
  • Avoiding buying plants that are rare, threatened, or endangered as it is very difficult to ensure that they have been cultivated and not poached.
  • Volunteer at your local SCNPS Native Plant Sale, to help bring more native plants to your community.
  • Do not collect plants from the wild, public parks, or preserves unless you are sure they are abundant and you are sure you have permission.
  • Do not dispose of exotic potted plants or aquarium waste in your backyard or local waterways, where they can find a way to spread.
  • Clean clothes, boots, equipment, and especially boats before traveling away from an infested area to prevent the spread of invasives to new areas.

Oconee Bell (Shortia galacifolia). Credit:


  • If you see non-native plants being planted or sold in a commercial nursery or big box store, explain the damage invasive plants can do.
  • Participate in SCNPS field trips to learn more about the native and invasive plants in your area
  • Attend SCNPS chapter meetings and lectures to hear about topics like gardening for wildlife, sustainable landscaping, academic research, and much more.
  • Join SCNPS symposiums to meet other members, enjoy top-notch speakers, attend workshops, and explore regional special places.
  • Share what you’ve learned about native plants with your friends and family.