Plant Identification Request

Find a plant in SC that you can’t identify?


We can help! Send us a photo of the plant along with the other information listed below. Our experts will take a look and post the results (or an educated guess) on our “Identified Plants” page!

*Please only submit photos for requests of plants growing in the wild – no potted houseplants or nursery plants will be accepted.

Rules for submitting your inquiry

  1. Get close enough to photograph some detail. Put something in the picture for scale, such as a coin or pencil.
  2. Get a shot of the overall plant.
  3. Photograph leaves, stems, and flowers (if blooming) from the top and from the side.
  4. Tell us where and when you took the picture and what kind of site you found it on. (Deep shade, wetland, dry site, roadside, etc.)
  5. Please be aware that we are unable to identify mosses, lichens, algae, and mushrooms or other fungi.
  6. LIMIT 1 REQUEST PER PERSON PER DAY. Dr. Hill is available as a private consultant for hire for special projects with larger numbers of images or plant identifications. Contact him directly to arrange for such projects.

Dr. Steven R. Hill is a botanist with the Illinois Natural History Survey. Formerly the Curator of the Clemson University Herbarium (1987-1994), he is still a member of SCNPS, a land owner in Oconee County, and he plans to retire in South Carolina.


Plant ID Request

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    High resolution images are required if you would like for your image to be used on our website and in social media.
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