Microstegium vimineum from Leon, SC

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This grass is growing along my creek bank and I was wondering if you could help ID it. I’m in Upstate SC, Greenville county.

Hi Leon,

this grass is a very invasive plant that I really despise. It is called Japanese Stilt Grass, Microstegium vimineum. It spreads quickly and can infest native habitats crowding out other plants.  It is an annual and grows quickly in the Summer. You can find out more about it here: https://www.invasiveplantatlas.org/subject.html?sub=3051  I have problems with it on my property and I can’t eliminate it with roundup because the roundup will kill everything else with it. When I first bought my property in Oconee County in the 1980’s there was none of this plant. It probably came in with road gravel and is a major problem for me.


Dr. Steven Hill, Botanist, SCNPS

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