A lettuce relative from DianeP, SC

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Hi, Dr. Hill,
This plant is growing in the fall line in nearly full shade. I photographed it on June 12. It’s about 2 feet tall. Its most distinguishing feature is the sagittate leaf, pale/duller green on the underside and the petiole has wings.
Thank you.

Hi Diane,

this is a hard one. I can tell you it is in the lettuce subfamily of the Asteraceae, and that it could be a Cacalia, Lactuca, or Prenanthes. I’m afraid I cannot go too much farther without flowers, I could only eliminate some species by range and leaf shape. Please send pictures when it is in flower. Also check to see if it has milky sap, though it probably does as do most members of this group, the Lactuceae.


Dr. Steven Hill, Botanist, SCNPS

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